The University of Georgia Athletic Association is honored to provide Veterans, Purple Heart recipients, and a guest with tickets to attend our Military Appreciation game on November 7th vs. Kentucky for your service to The United States of America.
Purple Heart recipients have given a lot to represent our country, and the UGA Athletic Association would like to take a moment during the game to recognize the attending Purple Heart recipients on-field. The details of this recognition will be given at a later time once we know the kickoff time and other details. If you are able to make the game, please email Jim Goff at no later than October 5th with the following information:
· Full name and rank along with guest’s name
· Valid E-mail address
· Current Mailing address
· Valid phone number
A limited number of tickets are available and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Again, we thank you for your service and hope that we get to see you here in November!