Special recognition, accolades, and awards given to members of Georgia Chapter 531 of the MOPH from at a recent veteran ceremony. Doug Middleton (top-left), past Commander of the Georgia Department MOPH representing the National MOPH, presents special recognition to Curry Haynes for his heroic and distinguished service to America. Curry Haynes, has received ten (10) Purple Hearts during his tour in Vietnam. Ten Purple Hearts is the most ever awarded in the history of America. The top, left photo is of Curry Haynes of White Plains, GA, stands proudly wearing the ten (10) Purple Hearts that he was awarded during his service in Vietnam. The center right photo is MOPH Northeast Georgia Chapter 531 members pose for pictures after receiving the Georgia Vietnam…
Category: 2015
NE Georgia Chapter #531 members pose in front of Captured Japanese flag from Peleliu Island
NE Georgia Chapter #531 members pose in front of Captured Japanese flag from Peleliu Island WWII battle 09-17-1944. Flag is at the East Jackson County Comprehensive High School, Commerce Georgia, Army Junior ROTC classroom area. MOPH Patriots (L-R) John Hancock, Jim Wood, Duane Bruno (Marine Corps League), and Brian West were in assembly area preparing for the Jackson County “Veterans and Public Safety Recognition Night” Friday, September 11, 2015. The JROTC program is headed up by US Army (retired) Lt. Colonel Eric Hughes.
UGA Athletic Association honors Veterans and Purple Heart recipients
The University of Georgia Athletic Association is honored to provide Veterans, Purple Heart recipients, and a guest with tickets to attend our Military Appreciation game on November 7th vs. Kentucky for your service to The United States of America. Purple Heart recipients have given a lot to represent our country, and the UGA Athletic Association would like to take a moment during the game to recognize the attending Purple Heart recipients on-field. The details of this recognition will be given at a later time once we know the kickoff time and other details. If you are able to make the game, please email Jim Goff at Jim.goff39@yahoo.com no later than October 5th with the following information: · Full name and rank along with guest’s name· Valid E-mail address· Current Mailing address· Valid phone number A limited…
John Hancock Honored at Atlanta Braves game
U.S Navy Captain, retired, John Hancock was honored at the Atlanta Braves game August 15th, during Military Honors Night. John Hancock, a member of MOPH Chapter #531, NE Georgia was a WWII veteran who saw extensive combat action in the Pacific. He was a 17-year-old seaman manning a 50 caliber water cooled machine gun firing at the Japanese aircraft attacking his ship, the USS Yorktown during the Battle of Midway. John Hancock after recovering from his wounds at the Battle of Midway, went to flight school and became a fighter pilot, flying the F6F “Hellcat”, off the carriers Bon Hom Richard, Essex, and Saratoga. John Hancock is not only an American hero but an American Treasure.
Madison Am. Legion to host a Welcome Home Dinner
The Am. Legion here in Madison will host a welcome home dinner for Viet Nam Vets on Monday April 20, 2015. Please send this out to Chapter #531 so all VN Vets are aware of it. Call Jim Nesmith 706-342-2177 for reservations & all the details. This meal is free.